Hugo Setup

Hugo is a very well-designed static site generator. The user experience is way better than what I have tried so far. One of the good things about Hugo is that the config file is very clean! Also, the installation is easy, version controlling it is quite simple, and it’s easy to share the source code and let people create post PR!

Install and Setup Hugo

The quickstart guide on Hugo is pretty comprehensive. Please check it out!

  1. Install latest hugo version
    • On Linux: sudo snap install hugo
    • On Mac: brew install hugo
  2. Create a hugo site: hugo new site [sitename]
  3. By default, no theme is installed, so you need to install one on your own!

    cd [sitename];\
    git init;\
    git submodule add themes/ananke;\
    # Edit your config.toml configuration file and add the Ananke theme.
    echo 'theme = "ananke"' >> config.toml

    Using git submodule is a very good idea since we can keep track of the separate projects version controlled by git easily.

  4. Add some content: hugo new posts/ Notice that the draft mode by default is true, so it won’t be published unless you change it to false.

  5. Start the development server: hugo server -D

  6. Open config.toml

    • customize the site URL, title, etc.
    • .toml reference
  7. In order to let Github Pages to parse from docs folder:

    • add publishDir = "docs" to config.toml
    • add publishDir: docs to config.yaml
  8. Run hugo to build it!

  9. Push the generated static pages to Github, and wait for Github Pages to build! Enjoy!! It’s that easy!

Cloning Hugo Site from Github

  1. Make sure you have hugo installed. Installation can be checked by running hugo help
  2. Clone the repo
  3. Run git submodule init on project root and then run git submodule update to get the theme
  4. Run hugo server! You are done setting up!

Switching to DocDock Theme + My Personal Tweaks

This theme provides searching, tagging, and lot’s of shortcodes out-of-the-box. Worth a try!

  1. Get the theme code: git submodule add themes/docdock
  2. Use the theme’s config file: cp themes/docdock/exampleSite/config.toml .:
    • Better run cp config.toml config.toml.bak first
  3. Open config.toml:
    • Set theme = "docdock"
    • Comment out themesdir = "../.."
  4. Create a document in the content folder
  5. Update files in archetypes folder:
    • Check front matter format
    • Tweak and add your own files! It’s will be very handy to have some of your own!
  6. Create a page in content folder. Its content is what you get in the logo placeholder (top left of the screen).
  7. Add a custon terms.html file to layouts/_default, for the tags and categories summary page to be rendered

MathJax support

  1. Create a custom-head.html into a layouts/partials folder next to the content folder, this is where we should add the javascript code in every <head>. Paste the following code in to the file in order for MathJax and inline latex to work!

    <!-- Partial intended to be overwritten to add CSS -->
    <script type="text/x-mathjax-config">
        tex2jax: {inlineMath: [['$','$'], ['\\(','\\)']]}
    <script type="text/javascript" async

    Also, if you have Google Analytics tracking code, you can add it here.

  2. Check out the result $e = mc^2$ :)